Monday, May 25, 2020

Why USC - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 286 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2018/12/29 Category Education Essay Type Admission Essay Level High school Tags: Student Essay Did you like this example? My happiness is beyond the decision to choose to study at University of Southern California (USC). It has been the best decision so far in my life. USC has vast connections like Fox News, JP Morgan, Google, and ESPN among them are companies that reach out for an internship to USC students in post-grad careers and opportunities. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Why USC" essay for you Create order Opportunities are high in working on projects with Malaysian, Cameroonian or Australian or even live close to Sri Lanka-born student, Milanese or South American. High chances for cultural values are also in USC. One thing I like about USC is the location; USC is in the central region of Los Angeles. USC psychology department has some of its faculty recognized internationally and had highest student populations in the US. Psychology department scholars engage in ground-breaking studies, exploring basic academic queries and getting their work bearing on nearly societys most demanding needs. The psychology department in USC deals in teaching graduate in areas like Clinical Science, Brain and Cognitive Science, Quantitative Methods, Developmental Psychology and Social Psychology. As a psychology major, I will be required to complete Marshall Prerequisites before applying the second degree. The USC has the most qualified and dedicated tutors. Undecided scholars new to USC or those that have difficulty in academic can get in touch with Academic Counsellors to try to identify the challenges and obstacles to academic success. Students with disabilities are provided with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) services essential to enable them to develop the maximum potential in academic and dignity to work self-reliant. USC also has extracurricular such as self-defence, horse riding, and tennis classes just to name a few. Anyway, most Trojans would not shame their choice to appear to USC.

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