Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hypothetical Case Study Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Social Work Essay Example
Hypothetical Case Study Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Social Work Essay Covering with a instance of kid sexual maltreatments such as Melissas, demands a batch of attempt. There is a enticement to react to the kid with compassion. However, to turn to the issue of sexual maltreatment, one must make something more than attention deeply. Before one can sufficiently measure or handle a sexually abused kid, it is critical to hold a solid cognition of how sexual maltreatment and how it happens, the inauspicious impacts of the maltreatment on the kid, relationship and behavioural jobs of the kid caused by the maltreatment. In this instance it is of import to study development of childhood in a normal manner, and see how it differs from development jobs seen in the kids who have undergone child maltreatment. Prior to originating a program of intervention, it is critical to hold cognition of why sexual maltreatment occurred in a peculiar scenario. Discussion Trauma appraisal should besides be done before intervention. Trauma appraisal is an attack used to grok the effects of sexual maltreatment on the kid and to look into the extent of injury. It helps one step the kid s positions of the the past and current effects of the maltreatment. However, Trauma appraisal does non seek to unclutter up jobs, but instead to cognize the impact of maltreatment on the kid, comprehend the harm, and think of the intervention needed. Assessment is a route map for intervention. Because of its insouciant format, it will assist to construct common apprehension with the kid as one collects of import information. It is critical to see the undermentioned issues while taking the appraisal, as these will hold an influence the intervention determinations: We will write a custom essay sample on Hypothetical Case Study Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Social Work specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hypothetical Case Study Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hypothetical Case Study Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer What is the connexion of the victim to the maltreater? What is the degree of stableness in the household that the kid comes from? What are the hazard factors involved, Should the kid still remain with the household or move? , what function is the tribunal playing in the instance? Finally, to come up with the applicable intervention program, the appraisal must analyze all developmental issues, measure societal countries and measure behaviour in conformity with what is at that place in normal development. Therapy based on this rating will turn to the kid s demands one at a clip. Treatment is the processs of helping the kid learn to distinguish between her healthy and destructive header ability ( Flaherty et al, 2006 ) . Choosing the manner of intervention will depend on the ends for the kid developed from the assessment study, the coordination between the aim and service being thought of, and the kid s penchant and likeliness of taking portion in and net income from the intervention that is offered. In rule, effectual intervention will cut down the badness of symptoms and protect against suspended start of emotional upsets. Osmond and co-workers, explain intervention ends as affecting: Leting safe release of the feelings, Get the better ofing negative and suicidal behaviour, Helping the kid to understand the portion of her thought that has been affected by maltreatment and besides assisting her correct those deformations, helping the kid to get the better of self-blame and hatred, Helping the kid to construct in herself sense of trust and have a hereafter that is positive. Guaranting the kid achieve a sense of position about the maltreatment and to hold the emotional infinite necessary to maintain the torment from aching her in the hereafter Intervention program Therapy of child sexual maltreatment is an luxuriant process. Emotionally, it stimulates you to stay indifferent the center of a extremely charged instance. Intellectually, it requires that you have the cognition of the impacts of maltreatment on both the kid and the household, and besides the beginnings of the job. Practically, it demands that one collaborates with assorted professionals in the attempts to make what s best for the sexually abused kid In Melissa s instance the most appropriate program of intercession would utilize is trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy. Trauma focused cognitive therapy is grounded on the theory where it is explained that traumatic events conveying out stuffs that are hard for the kid to group, kind out and put it into their prevalent strategy ( English et Al, 2004 ) . On cases when the kid may non wholly understand a traumatic event, the emotions which are normally strong that come from the traumatic event are unprocessed. When the kid tries to treat that information ; facts are either distorted to suit in the kingdom of what is already known or understood or may falsify the beliefs to associate together the unrefined stuff into their prevalent strategy. Both are bad since they lead to guilt and dishonor and besides self incrimination. To counter act this, the kid should be shown how to work on confounding emotions and hence correct maladaptive beliefs. Proof is demoing that trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy is a successful intervention for kids who are sexually abused, and besides those who have got experiences of multiple traumatic events of other signifiers. Most of the enquiries that have examined TF-CBT have been designed decently. This intervention theoretical account stands for a combination of trauma intercessions and established cognitive behavioural therapy guidelines. The Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy was brought in by groups of research workers who jointly in the recent yesteryear worked together to administrate multisite, treatment-outcome scrutinies for the sexually abused, traumatized kids. The intervention was initiated to give replies to posttraumatic emphasis upset, depressive and besides anxiousness symptoms. It was besides to cover with cardinal distorted positions on faulting oneself, security and trusting of other people. The therapy is besides utile in covering with sexual maltreatment and other traumatic cases into a wider context of kids s lives so that their individuality is non like that of a victim. Core elements of TF-CBT are ; Psycho instruction about child sexual maltreatment, here the victim is learns the effects of the injury as a whole physically, sexually, and emotionally and the common childhood neutralization to mistreat.for illustration in the instance of Melissa whereby her sense of ego may be altered. Feelingss, the invasive and besides the intrusive temperament of the sexual activity affect the kid s self-esteem negatively.The impact is both in the physical, whereby kids have a deformed sense of their organic structures, and psychologically, kid sees herself as variably different from her equals The undertaking here is let Melissa understand that it is normal to experience that manner after maltreatment but besides to do her feel whole and good about herself once more. The 2nd constituent of TF-CBT is the trauma narrative and gradual exposure technique whereby the kid explains the traumatic event in my instance Melissa. This improves bit by bit until Melissa is able to comfortably talk about the event in inside informations. This desensitizes the event and rubs off the stigma that is so normally linked with child maltreatment. The terminal end is for the Melissa to be in a place to discourse the straitening experience with no negative feelings. In that consequence she is desensitized to the event. This will be accomplished by allowing Melissa work her ain manner into the full revelation easy and methodically. At the terminal of therapy the purpose is to enable Melissa to speak comfortably about her maltreatment. The following constituent is cognitive reframing whereby Melissa should speak out the inaccurate feelings of the distressful event and she should be taught why those feelings are inaccurate for illustration ego incrimination whereby Melissa may be faulting herself for holding spoken out and hence experiencing guilty, and distorted sense of ego and low self-pride because of the sexual maltreatment, and frights and anxiousness. Melissa needs to be helped to understand intellectually and accept emotionally that she was non responsible. Her female parent s male child friend Tony sexually abused her ; she did non sexually abuse him. It was his occupation non hers to forestall the maltreatment. This is done by learning the connexion between ideas, feelings and the manner a kid behaves. Melissa will be taught how feelings and the behaviour connect and how she can command or wholly change those ideas and feelings to her advantage. The 4th constituent is the stress direction technique whereby Melissa will be taught different emphasis direction technique, such as the capacity to command her ideas. The kid will larn that she is capable of commanding her automatic physical reaction. This will assist cut down her torment. The other constituent is that of safety preparation whereby Melissa will be taught how to avoid victimization. She will larn how to cognize ruddy flags that indicate a bad state of affairs. The kid will besides be taught who to turn to if she finds herself in a slippery state of affairs. The kid will be taught to distinguish between decent and indecent touch and what to make in instance of an inappropriate touch. Parental engagement is the last constituent whereby Melissa s female parent Asher will take part in analogue or concurrence with her kid s therapy. A few parent-child articulation Sessionss are conducted in order to suit communicating in the household on issues like sexual maltreatment. Therapy of interfamilial maltreatment that ends in successful reunion of members of the household is based on the female parent s relationship with the kid. This may turn out to be a hard relationship particularly at the clip of revelation merely like when Asher. The wrongdoer in this instance Tony may hold got in uses that have separated the female parent and Melissa from one another. Melissa developed behaviours that were debatable because of the maltreatment, which damaged her relationship with the female parent. The mother-victim relationship will be enhanced by helping the Asher to develop empathy for the Melissa ; by easing their communicating ; Initial work will be done in personal therapy with the female parent, and so subsequently with both the female parent and kid. Enhancing the female parent and kid relationship is by and large an of import issue in assisting the female parent to protect her girl in future. Intervention to do the Asher as the female parent more protective can be implemented in different ways. When the female parent has a good relationship with her girl, she will be inclined to forestall the kid from any injury. Treatment to heighten the mother-child relationship and will make the chance that the kid will speak out to the female parent. Furthermore kid and the female parent relationship is to promote communicating freely specifically about the kid s safety. Mothers must besides cover with assorted issues connected to the present operation and past experiences in intervention. A common issue sing present operation is low self-esteem. Other issues to be addressed are experiences of force, dependence, and emotional jobs, in order to help the female parent in taking attention of her girl. In past injury country the common issue is holding been sexually abused themselves. Such an experience has effects in the manner a female parent s trades with her ain kid s sexual maltreatment ( De Bellis A ; Thomas, 2003 ) . The female parent may be so affected by her of her ain maltreatment and non be in a place to cover with her kid s. In such cases like the instance of Asher, her ain maltreatment has to be sorted out foremost. Her being a victim hinders her ability to spot hazardous state of affairss, and besides her picks of spouses ; hence she plays a function in her taking a spouse who goes sexual her kid. With increased rates of divorce, more kids are acquiring at greater hazard.Mothers, in their tests to happen a spouse, may unwittingly be puting their kids at hazard of sexual maltreatment from the work forces they day of the month merely like the instance of Melissa and Asher. When the female parent remarries or moves in with her spouse, harmonizing to a research done by Russell, the stepdaughters are more than eight times higher in hazard of being abused sexually by their stepfathers who stay with them than are girls who are taken attention of by their existent male parents. Harmonizing to Finkelhor ( 1986 ) , Some research workers have already started to theorize, that it could be a instance that more stepfathers are progressively going smart pedophiles In that they marry individual adult females with households as a method of acquiring near to the childrenaaââ¬Å¡Ã ¬A? ( pg34 ) . Decision In decision the issue of child sexual maltreatment is really critical in our society today and needs to be addressed keenly.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Seafaring A Cornerstone of Viking Culture
Seafaring: A Cornerstone of Viking Culture Technological advances have always played very important roles in the development of cultures. From warfare to agriculture, technology can help shape and mold the way a culture develops. The Viking longships were one such advance. The impact of the technology involved in creating these magnificent ships is very apparent in the remnants of Viking culture. Expansion, warfare and poetry were only some of the many facets of Viking life affected by seafaring. The Vikings were perhaps the most successful of all early explorers. The design of the longships allowed for navigation in the shallow fjords found within Sweden and Norway out to the ocean. From there, the Vikings were able to reach out across the globe. Unlike prior civilizations such as the Greeks, the Vikings used their technology to reach out to other European countries and even into Asia. While the Greeks concentrated their naval efforts in the area of warfare, although there is evidence of far reaching travel in such works as The Odyssey, the Vikings were able to establish profitable trade routes which in turn lead to the establishment of key trade ports such as Hedeby and Ribe. These first trade centers fueled the Viking economy and were essential in the development of Viking culture. However, the expansion made possible by the longships was not merely a tool for trade but also allowed for the colonization of Iceland and Greenland by Viking settlers. Again, the! durable and well-crafted Viking vessels were able to handle such long journeys deep into the unknown Atlantic Ocean. This type of far reaching travel was unheard of before the Vikings and was not matched until almost 500 years later during the peak of European exploration. Colonization, however, was not one of the major goals of the Vikings. Raiding and pillaging were more common tasks than far reaching global expansion. Both, however, ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Analysis - Case Study Example The Daubert vs. Marrel Dow Pharmaceutical Inc. ruling resolved the debate on admitting evidence in the court. As a result, the Daubert ruling is one of the most consequential decisions about the role of forensic evidence in the judicial process. The Daubert case involved a toxic tort case. The court heard that two boys, Jason Daubert and Erick Schuller were born with serious defects because of the negative effects of a drug made by Benedictin. The plaintiff believed that they had been affected because the mother had taken the anti-nausea drug Benedictin while she was pregnant. The two boys decided to sue the organization. The decision placed them among numerous people who were suing for damages. The case got into the public domain because of disputes over the introduction of expert testimony (Gostin & Milbank Memorial Fund, 2002). The ruling would not only affect the case but also determine how forensic evidence such as digital evidence would be allowed in the case. The Supreme Court accepted the case due to the realization that it needed to set the standard for the admissibility of forensic evidence. The major issue was whether the adoption of Federal Rules of Evidence should get more prominence than the Frye standard that had played a significant role in the case. The Supreme Court ruled that the F.R.E should receive more weight than the Frye standard (Coleman, Swenson, Holloway, & Aulinskas, 1994). The rule shifted power from the Frye test and gave the judge powers of determining which evidence should apply in the case. The ruling implied that judges could determine the admissibility of scientific evidence as opposed to only determining the credibility of a witness. An evaluation of the ruling demonstrates that four criteria should apply when determining the admissibility of evidence. Firstly, the court should consider if the theory or
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How do the courts deal with the battle of forms, where parties to an Essay
How do the courts deal with the battle of forms, where parties to an intended contract exchange forms containing mutually inconsistent terms - Essay Example ten negotiate through exchanging correspondence, with a series of counter offers as to price and the contract terms; this has been referred to as the ââ¬Å"Battle of the Formsâ⬠(Beale, 2007). In considering this Beale in Chitty on Contracts underlines this problem and concludes: ââ¬Å"Thus it is possible by careful draftsmanship to avoid losing the battle of the forms, but notâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. to win it. The most that the draftsman can be certain of achieving is the stalemate situation where there is no contract at allâ⬠(Beale, 2007). In order to address this legally, the courts have adopted the ââ¬Å"last shot principleâ⬠, which was established in the case of Butler Machine Tool Co ââ¬âv- Ex Cell-O-Corp ((1981) 24 BLR 94). According to this principle, the presumption is that the last offer which has been accepted without qualification will be determined as covering the conditions of the contract. This was confirmed in the recent case of Tekdata Communications Ltd v Amphenol Ltd ([2009] EWCA CIV 1209), which confirmed that there the general principle of the ââ¬Å"last shotâ⬠wins was applicable unless there was unequivocal evidence of contrary intention. For example, in the Tekdata case itself the parties were in a production chain involving four companies producing aircraft components and at first instance, the trial judge departed from the last shot doctrine on the basis that the parties were part of a complex supply chain where prices were non-negotiable and the defendant did not suggest that its own terms and conditions were incorporated into the contract. However, the Court of Appeal rejected this rationale and held that ââ¬Å"the context of a long term relationship and the conduct of the partiesâ⬠may in certain circumstances be sufficiently strong to displace the usual ââ¬Å"last shot winsâ⬠rule. Therefore, whilst the general principle is that the last shot wins, the course of dealing between parties may sometimes negate this and result in the terms and conditions
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Research Methods Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Research Methods - Coursework Example County hospital records detailing the age, ethnicity, level of education, gender, etc. of each individual treated for drug overdose during the period in which the spike is usually recorded, from the time when it became prevalent; The list is by no means exhaustive. However, in analyzing these records, frequency distribution will most likely isolate a major group or two, which will facilitate success in further investigation. In dealing with a subject of such nature, this research method is arguably more effective than a survey, which, according to Wikipedia, depends on ââ¬Å"subjectsââ¬â¢ motivation, honesty, memory, and ability to respond.â⬠Drug users may not be willing respondents in a survey. Observer participation is another method that is very useful not only when ââ¬Å"the phenomenon is sufficiently limited in size and location to be studied as a caseâ⬠but also when ââ¬Å"the phenomenon is hidden from public view (crime and deviance, secretive groups and organizations, such as drug users & dealersâ⬠¦)â⬠(Jorgensen, 1989; 13). The data obtained from the statistical analysis of official records is the blueprint upon which this research method will be employed. That is, the group(s) that most frequently occur(s) in his analysis will be the focus. In a manner of investigation, the researcher can ease himself into the social environment of the group(s) in question, within and (if his study demands) outside the period in which drug overdose is common. Here, ââ¬Å"the research problem can be addressed by qualitative data gathered by direct observation and other means pertinent to the field settingâ⬠(Jorgensen, 1989; 13), thereby helping the researcher gain firsthand information on the attitudes, behavior, practices and habits of (each of) the group(s) in question. This ââ¬Ëinvestigationââ¬â¢ will most likely see them open up about drug
Friday, November 15, 2019
The origins and aims of Dependency Theory
The origins and aims of Dependency Theory Dependency theory was established in 1950s by Raul Prebisch. Prebisch and his friends developed it in an attempt to understand why some countries in the world remained underdeveloped. There was a concern that the richer nations were prospering while poverty heightened in the underdeveloped nations (Kendall, 2010). During that time, research showed that the economic practices in the wealthy nations were instrumental in the poor countries deterioration. These results contrasted with the neoclassical theory that had stated that economic growth benefited all the countries. According to Prebisch, the exports made by the poor countries directly benefited the rich countries since they use them as the raw materials for their industries. Surprisingly, these rich countries export the end products to the poor countries. Consequently, the rich countries earn foreign exchange at the expense of the poor countries (Kegley, 2009). Some of them include the small internal markets in the underdeveloped countries, failure of the poor countries to make a change, and restriction of the poor countries to export their products. It is for this reason that the scholars developed the theory of dependency. Consequently, scholars developed the dependency theory in an attempt to justify the intensity of poverty in the underdeveloped countries (Pfeffer, 2003). Earlier on, the neoclassical theory condemned the poor countries, attributing their economic status to their delay in handling making important economic decisions. However, the dependency theory opposed their views with claims that poverty in these countries resulted from exploitations by the capitalists (Ghosh, 2000). The dependency theorists argued believe that the international imperialists are instrumental in the perpetuation of dependency in the poor countries. One of these theorists is Andre Gunder Frank who asserts that further underdevelopment of the poor countries is caused by the capitalists economic practices (Daft, 2010). Dependency theory is based on the Marxist theories that explain the reasons for the international inequality. They assert that economic elites use idealism and realism ideologies in order to justify disparities among the wealthy and poor countries worldwide (Brewer, 2010). Therefore, dependency theory bases its arguments on the Marxist theories. Dependency theory argues that the developed countries use the concept of class to establish certain strategies that guard and support their needs. There are certain principles of the dependency theory that are based on the Marxist theory. First, it states that the world is segmented into certain classes based on economy rather than politics. It asserts that the economy is superior to politics. Therefore, the theory holds that the imperialists created global state system so as to address the interests of the rich countries and organizations (Johnson, 2009). This explains the ongoing poverty in the poor countries, and prosperity in the wealthy nations. The rich and the poor countries form vital parts of the world system. That is the rich countries are that the central rich nations that posses and prosper from the natural resources (John, 2007). On the other hand, the poor countries give the majority of the human and natural resources that the rich nations exploit. Therefore, the rich nations take advantage of the poor countries resources in furthering their economic activities. As a result, the economic gap between these countrie s widens. Additionally, the theory argues the global economic laws perpetuate the international inequality. For instance, one of these influential laws is the World Trade Organization (Ritzer, 2003). The dependency theory and the other Marxist theories try to explore ways of addressing the issue of international economic difference. One of these ways is involves the efforts to bring change among themselves. They should make viable economic decisions and policies that are capable of changing their status in a way. This means that their strategies should aim at freeing them from the economic bondage by the strong international forces. They should also champion for the reduction of the wealthy countries control on their economic activities. For example, they should seek ways of breaking the import barriers in the case of the import substitution. Although Frank is not the initiator of the underdevelopment theory, he made it very popular (Bardach, 1998). He borrowed a lot of Paul Barans work. He believes that capitalism is caused by underdevelopment in the developing countries in the world. There are certain reasons that led to the uneven development in these countries. Furthermore, Frank maintained that the increase in the imperialism in Europe is influential in transforming the world into one global system. He further explains the extent to which these capitalists had gained access to the Latin America. Subsequently, this has a negative impact on the countrys economy. This, in turn, results in uneven development across the nations. For instance, there are some places that we realize positive development while others record underdevelopment. This happens because the world system consists of the metro-polis satellite relations. These relations are used by the satellite but not committed to the satellite. Using the examples of Chile and Brazil, Frank explains that Chile had an experience of monopoly of imperialists structure (Martin, 2002). As a result, these metropolis relations facilitate a stronger bond between the capitalists and the metropolises to their respective centers. It also extends the capitalists rule to the businessmen, stockholders and the tenants. In Brazil, Frank had the same ideas on the effect of capitalism in the country. He explains the transmission of these capitalistic effects from the merchants to the tenants. Additionally, Frank elaborates on the involvement of the monopolistic system in the countries. According to him, this system involves the poor usage and wastage of a countrys resources in the system (Chilcote, 2003). The unequal expropriation and appropriations lead to the development and the underdevelopment of the countries; hence the difference in the economic status. Imperatively, Frank elaborated on the operations of the satellites and their effects on the world system. First, he explains that the political, social, and cultural aspects are linked to the metropolis. Secondly, establishes that a metropolis is having dependent progress. Thirdly, there are weak bonds between the satellites and the metropolis. The fourth idea is that strengthening of these links might result in further underdevelopment of the metropolises. Nevertheless, Frank opposed the notion that underdeveloped world had more than one economies; the current and the ancient economies. He explains that capitalism had deepened its roots in Latin America. Though these countries seemed to be doing ell economically, there was a decrease in the performance of the export industries. For example, there was a decline in the productivity of the sugar company in Brazilian North-East (Petrella, 2003). This collapse was as a result of weak ties between the metropolises. Therefore, anything that looked like feudal characteristics results from underdeveloped imperialism. There are certain criticisms of the dependency theory by certain scholars. Just like any other theory, dependency theory has its share of strengths and weaknesses. To start with, dependency theory has the following strengths. Firstly, the theory analyses the inequality existing between the poor and the rich countries. Moreover, the theory breaks some political bonds and explains reasons why the wealthy nations are taking advantage of the poor countries (Doukhan, 2003). Also, dependency theory dismisses the neoclassical theorys claim that the existing global inequality is caused by the poor countries laziness. In stead, it argues in favor of these underdeveloped countries and blames the imperialists. On the contrary, certain scholars argue that the theory has some limitations. One of the weaknesses concerns the theorist, over-generalization and over simplification. Explicitly, frank should have investigated other parts of the world other than Latin American situation. In such a situation, it is essential different parts of the world, for example, the African countries and Asia (Martin, 2002). Therefore, his ideas are not realistic in that he used a few examples in his arguments. Another weakness of the dependency theory is that does not explain other factors that lead to underdevelopment other than the role played by the wealthy nations. The terms core and periphery are different from the terms traditional and modern. Additionally, dependency theory is weak in that in Frank failed in his attempt to provide solutions to the situation. His suggestions were very unrealistic and over-ambitious. Moreover, these solutions created certain dependencies among themselves. For example, it was impossible for Cuba to disentangle itself from the economic dominion with the USA (Willer, 1999). Furthermore, Frank attempted to prove that the imperialism is the major cause of the economic difference. Instead, he bases arguments on unrealistic perceptions. In addition; the theory is weak in that Frank failed to consider all class relations in his ideas. He also misinterpreted the Marxists concepts. Frank only addresses market relations. Some critics also challenge the theory by maintaining that it will cause corruption; with the higher markets and the other markets. Corruption is quite intense in the government industries than in than in others. It also causes lack of competition in the industries of both wealthy and poor countries. The completion is as a result of the restriction of imports to the poor countries, and subsidization of inducements (Ghosh, 2000). Finally, dependence theory encompasses certain scholars such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Fernand Braudel, Giovanni Arrigi, Samir Amin, Hans Singer, Frank Gunder and Raul Prebisch. In conclusion, dependency theory is influential in explaining the international inequality in terms of economy. Dependence theory asserts that the disparity is a resultant of the imperialism by the powerful and wealthy nations in the world. Therefore, they take advantage of the poor countries, hence widening the gap between them. However, there are a lot of criticisms on the theory that display more weaknesses than the strengths. Therefore, this theory may not be suitable in the explaining global inequality.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Coursework in Arts Essay
1. In Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrunââ¬â¢s painting of the Queen of France, Marie-Antoinette, in the late 18th century, the queen is shown sitting with her three children in a formal gown at the edge of the Hall of Mirrors. Colors that were used can be described as basically feminineââ¬âshades of ruby, cherry, velvet, scarlet, and salmon; yet darker colors were used in the crib of the eldest son to portray his death. From the colors of the painting, the queen appears to be sitting on a shiny spot, but around her is a darker, gloomier color that may portray danger to her and her children. Textures, on the other hand, appear to be soft and feathery, which shows wealth and comfort. The lines in the background are parallel and horizontal, which points to her straight, firm position in her seat. The position of the queen and her two children beside her form a straight cross beside the crib that looks like a cave. The eldest son alive who points to the crib may appear like the angel beside the cave where Jesus was buried. The son was like saying, ââ¬ËYouââ¬â¢re looking for my brother? Heââ¬â¢s not here anymore but has gone up to the Father. ââ¬â¢ On the other hand, the eldest son alive stands firmly alone, which shows independence and strengthâ⬠¦even at an early age. The stairs in the background may mean political fame, but it was portrayed to be darker and more shadowy above, so that it would be best for the queen to be where she isââ¬âwith her children and her home (please see painting in the appendix). Formal elements show that this good queen is a devoted motherââ¬âfull of quiet dignityââ¬âby the way the colors, the textures, the lines, the shapes, and the space interact with one another. The whole scene portrays quietness, peacefulness, as well as acceptanceââ¬âthings that picture her as a good and pleasant being. There is also the hint of wealth and extravagance, especially the portrayal of the Hall of Mirrors. In the overall, the painting is meant to give her a positive, submissive, and motherly aura. 2. John Singleton Copleyââ¬â¢s painting of Paul Revere in 1768 is an example of a Rococo painting. The Rococo style, which emerged in France, characterizes opulence, grace, and lightness, as seen in the painting (Figure 2 in the appendix). Copley used contrasting colors like black (as the background) and white (as Revereââ¬â¢s shirt) to put more emphasis on the main object. The lines, colors, and objects are all simple. Lines, especially in the head and in the table, are all parallel, which may point to neutralism and evenhandedness. It was said that Revere was ââ¬Å"uninterested in politics; he wanted only to be neutral, which was not possibleâ⬠(Artchive, 2007). The eyes, on the other hand, portray innocence, knowledge, and fairness. The textures used are all smooth and shiny, which may also reflect opulence. It focuses on ââ¬Ëcarefree aristocratic lifeââ¬â¢, with direct reference on Revereââ¬â¢s being a silversmithââ¬âwith a piece of silverware on his hand. He was portrayed with such extravagance, as shown in the linen cloth, which at that time was not yet available in America and could only be imported to the landâ⬠¦ as well as the golden buttons that lay on his vest. However, the portrayal of ââ¬Ëflowing linenââ¬â¢ could pointââ¬ânot to the linens of Englandââ¬âbut to the production of a hundred ells of linen in America during that time, which for Revere was something to be proud of. However, it is said that the painting is a sort of a ââ¬Ëbalancing actââ¬â¢ conducted by painter Copley (Artchive, 2007), especially that he is about to marry one of the Clarkes who were owners of ââ¬Å"the notorious tea concessionâ⬠(Artchive, 2007). The silver teapot appears to be a large issue then, since only their enemiesââ¬âthe Toriesââ¬âdrank tea (the Whigs drank the Boston tea, which was a punch). Revere is shown as a neutral person who wears rich linen clothing, but which comes from his own land. He is holding a silverware teapot, which is one of his expertise, but points to the character of the enemies and to the business of the Clarkes with which Copley is about to share his life with. Therefore, Revere is neutral, as he is open to all.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The 29th Annual French Quarter Festival of New Orleans New Orleans is a city where festivals are a way of life. There are festivals showcasing almost every cultural aspect of the city. However, The French Quarter Festival stands out as the largest free local music festival in the state of Louisiana. The 29th annual French Quarter Festival showcased a wide variety music, food, and special events that provided insight to what makes New Orleans so unique and full of life compared to other to cities in the county.The biggest aspect of the French Quarter Festival was the music that was showcased, the most prominent genres being Jazz, Cajun-Zydeco, and Blues. A variety of Jazz music was heard during the festival. Traditional Jazz sounds from bands such as the New Orleans Cottonmouth Kings and the Smoking Jazz Club could be heard on Friday. Saturday included a modern Jazz style with acts such as Big Daddy ââ¬ËOââ¬â¢ and Kermit Ruffins. The brass sounds of Jazz, such as the Treme Brass Band and the Stooges Brass Band were heard on the last day of the festival. There were also several Blues music acts present.The first day brought performers such as ââ¬ËWolfmanââ¬â¢ Washington and ââ¬ËBig Alââ¬â¢ Carson. The next day, Eharmonic Souls and John Lisi and the Delta Funk were among the artists. The Blues music that closed out the festival was from acts such as Vagabond Swing and Amanda Wallace. Lastly, Cajun-Zydeco music could also be heard at the festival. Some of the Cajun-Zydeco bands that opened for the festival were Dikki Du and the Zydeco Krewe and also Brandon Moreau and Cajungrass. The following day, Tank and the Zydeco Codebreakers and the Lost Bayou Ramblers were among the acts.Also, The Big Easy Playboys and Sunpie and the Louisiana Sunspots were among the Cajun-Zydeco acts on the final day of the festival. The traditional, modern, and brass Jazz musicians listed were just a few of the acts, but they provide examples of the talent at the 29th Ann ual French Quarter Festival. The French Quarter Festival had local vendors featuring the cuisines of the French Quarter, some of which were Cajun, Creole, and Poââ¬â¢boys. Cajun food was a cuisine that was prominent at the festival. Crawfish was a popular ingredient that was featured in several Cajun dishes at the festival such as in Crawfish Etouffee or Crawfish Cakes.Andouille sausage, found in gumbo and jambalaya was another aspect of the festival cuisine. Alligator, as kebabs or sausages, was also among the many Cajun dishes. Creole food also had a presence in the festivalââ¬â¢s cuisine. Rice dishes, such as Dirty Rice and also Red Beans and Rice, were among the Creole cuisine featured at the festival. There were also many Creole seafood dishes, such as Shrimp Jambalaya and Grits or Shrimp Remolaude available. Creole desserts such as King Cake or beignets were also among the dishes offered at the festival. Additionally, several varieties of Poââ¬â¢boy were staples of th e cuisine at the festival.Seafood Poââ¬â¢boys, such as the Shrimp Caminada Poââ¬â¢boy and the BBQ Oyster Poââ¬â¢boy, were among the Poââ¬â¢boys offered. Also available were Creole style Poââ¬â¢boys, such as the Cochon de lait Poââ¬â¢boy or Creole Hot Sausage Poââ¬â¢boy. Finally, Poââ¬â¢boys such as the Alligator Sausage Poââ¬â¢boy or the Blackened Catfish Poââ¬â¢boy were some Cajun- style Poââ¬â¢boys at the festival. Whether you were looking for Cajun, Creole, or Poââ¬â¢boys, the 29th Annual French Quarter Festival had the dishes discussed above along with many more available to choose from. Finally, the French Quarter Festival also held events such as educational lectures, kids events, and dance lessons.The French Quarter Festival strived to educate people on the impact that the local musical community provides. Super Sousaphone was a lecture by local sousaphone virtuoso Matt Perrine about the impact his career in many influential New Orleans ban ds created. Another lecture was Groove Interrupted, which focused on behind-the-scenes makings of the modern-day Jazz album. Funkify Your Life discussed The Meters, a New Orleans funk band, impact on New Orleans music. There were also several childrenââ¬â¢s events at the festival. The Kidââ¬â¢s Music Stage introduced children to festivalââ¬â¢s musical genres in a child-friendly way.The Satchmo collage project was another event where children decorated pieces of a collage of Louis Armstrong. Children were also able to create Victorian-style jewelry at the many crafts station at the festival. Also, several dance lessons were offered at the festival. NOLA Zydeco group hosted a class that taught the traditional Zydeco moves. BrassXcise, with Dancing Man 504, taught dance and exercise moves that are used in Second-Line parades. Also, the NOLA Jitterbugs taught traditional jazz dances such as the Jitterbug and the Charleston.The lectures, childrenââ¬â¢s events and dance classe s at the French Quarter Festival helped to add the educational and cultural aspect of the festival. The 29th annual French Quarter Festival provides a special aspect to festivals of New Orleans. It sought to showcase strictly the local aspects of the culture of New Orleans. Also unlike other festivals, it was also made free to the public. Those aspects and also the music, food, and events of the festival combined to create an experience unlike other festivals in New Orleans, one that is focused on the people of the city rather than just the city itself.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Primary Documents Example
Primary Documents Example Primary Documents ââ¬â Article Example Assignment Primary documents The Manchester derby had been anticipated for weeks and it did not disappoint by all standards. The sensation of the players was worth watching as each side struggled to bag the full three points on offer. Attendance stood at 72,350 about 2,000 shy of this seasonsââ¬â¢ record turnout of 75,350 between Manchester United and West Ham United. This is not surprising as the derby has ever attracted a staggering 78,000 turnout. Like any other derby, the match had its fair share of drama with a player being sent off 35 minutes into the game. There were a total of 8 cards issued; one red card and 7 yellow cards. Manchester City have now had three red cards and 35 yellow cards compared to their rivals who have 36 yellow cards and no red card so far (Star shine, 2014). Manchester City marks man Sergio Aguero was on point netting two goals. His 14th minute volley came close to breaking the league record of the fastest goal currently standing at 13 seconds by fell ow team mate Jesus Navas. His goal tally stands at 15 goals 9 behind current league top scorer Luiz Suarez in 15 appearances. Manchester City managed to keep a clean sheet of 12 consecutive unbeaten run just two behind league leaders Chelsea. It also brought their goals scored to 69 trailing Liverpool by 4 goals while having conceded 27 goals, 5 more than Chelsea and 4 less their opponents. There was no much celebration for Manchester who had hoped to walk away with the full points in a bid to make it to the top four threshold for Champions League qualification. They had to settle for a draw after a last minute goal by Van Persie drew them level in the 92nd added time. In his 273rd appearance in the league, Wayne Rooney found the back of the net with a superb through pass from Juan Mata. He now has 11 goals in 22 appearances having been declared man of the match for the second time this season. He managed to cover 7.6 miles compared to the Manchester City player of the Match Yaya To ure who covered 7.3 miles in the game. At the end of the day the derby lived up to the expectations of the fans though the two sided had to share the spoils (star shines, 2014).Work citedEPL Stars in Action.. (2013, December 17). Daily News (Colombo, Sri Lanka), p. 34.Stars shine at EPL.. (2014, March 8). Daily News (Colombo, Sri Lanka), p. 23.EPLs Goal: Play Road Games; Other Countries Opposed to Invasion from Dominant League. (2014, February 16). The Washington Times, p. 2.Today on Television/radio. (2013, December 7). Daily Herald.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Effects of Divorce on Children Essays
Effects of Divorce on Children Essays Effects of Divorce on Children Essay Effects of Divorce on Children Essay Effects of divorce on children Divorce is one of the shocking events that can happen to a family and brings a series of changes with it. According to researches, today, one of every two marriages result in divorce and The half of marriages end in the first 7 years. These data indicate that divorce is a very serious social issue. Moreover, it is known that children of divorced families experience more problems than other children. They may face 3 serious effects of divorse; to be lonely, to be unsuccessful at school or in life and to turn to abnormal activities. the most intense emotion felt by children of divorced parents is, feeling loneliness and therefore feeling unhappy. Children feel strong, safe and confident when their parents are near them. However, as a result of divorse they have to separate from one parent so they can not see other parent much. Also single parent must work and can not devote enough time for children. for example, children can not find anyone at home when they came from school or when they have some problems and need to talk. The other effect of divorce is being unsuccessful at school. Problems experienced by the children in their private life leads to inability to pay attention to lessons so school grades begin to fall and children can lose their interests in school. They can start to fight with their friends at school because during they try to cope with the psychological and emotional dissolution, they can have difficulties to controll their anger sometimes. If children do not adapt to their new life order, school failure and bad behaviers such as fighting can result in leaving school and having difficulties in finding good jobs in the future. The last important effect of divorce is turning to abnormal activities like using alchol and substance. especially in adolescence, Young people can get bad friends and bad habits but their families try to protect them as much as possible. Parents do not leave them alone and help them to deal with their problems. On the other hand, children of divorced parents do not have such parental support consequently, they can not solve their problems alone and can develop their own methods to deal with problems. Due to It is difficult for this young people to defend themselves without parents, they become vulnerable. For example, some teens whose parents divorced, can choose running away from problems and can try to join different goups. This can cause being forced to do the same what theyre doing in the group. The group can disobey laws and commit crime or can use alchol and drugs so teens have to do these, too. In conclusion, Divorce means that a destruction of family and an establishment of a new life order instead. Because of this period may be an important cause of trauma for the child, parents sholud be careful to get through this with at least loss. EZGI LIF
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Essay title Even young children can be involved in decision making in
Title Even young children can be involved in decision making in the family and in schools. Use the course materials to illustrate how children can be involved and also why involvement might be difficult - Essay Example Parents who are aware of these issues can begin to interact with their babies from the start. When a child is older, especially when they get to preschool or school age, it is important to begin the process of their decision making by allowing them to make decisions of what they want to wear or about a particular toy they want to use in their play. Another very important aspect of involving children into the decision making process is to help them form secure attachments when they are very young. Secure attachments make a child fell loved and help them to understand that they can talk about anything they need to talk about with a parent. Establishing this type of opportunity when children are young will give them another opportunity to find their place in the family. Decisions making for many things are easy for a parent to involve their child in, but when it comes to something like bedtime the child may not have much of a choice. According to the text book, there are many ways that a parent can work with a child who does not want to go to bed at a certain time. The challenge for parents is that sometimes they are working to get a child to conform to their wishes and the child has no reason to do so. A parent may decide that the child has several options for bedtime that are around the same time. They can then allow the child to pick one of those bedtimes and the child will think they have made their own choice. One of the challenges when a child does not conform or do what a parent says is that the parent may want to use corporal punishment (spanking) for the child. According to the text, this is never a good idea because children can bully other children with hitting, a child is taught to repress strong emotions, smacking can often make defian t or uncooperative behaviour worse and children can become angry and resentful which can change their attitude towards their family members (69). Instead of smacking, many parents use time outs for children and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Reflective Journal Week-2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflective Journal Week-2 - Research Paper Example The speaker, Michelle DeVires BS, MPH, ICC, delivered an informative talk on â⬠Peripheral IVââ¬â¢s- Overlook source of Infectionsâ⬠and how they are a major cause of infections. APIC meets on a monthly basis, where they share their experience and information regarding current development in infectious diseases. The latest technological development regarding prevention, policies and procedures are also shared. The meeting was very informative and provided me with good knowledge and experience. I was really influenced and will be joining the group in order to benefit from vast knowledge they provide. Secondly, I was shown a survey form by Hill crest hospital. Since the Joint Commission will conduct a survey in the hospital between January and February 2015, the hospital is getting it ready for the exercise. The form stated Joint Commission preparedness and a list of things to be surveyed by the commission. I was also shown some of the standards of the commission as well its compliance list. The standards included purpose, patient population, scope, surveillance plan, responsibility for Infection Control Preventions Performance of the employees and key elements of the Infection Prevention Program. Lastly, The Infection Preventionist has been focusing on increased cases of Hepatitis B and C, since last year, within Hill Crest. The causes were stated as being the high patient population and the inability of the population, who come from poor backgrounds, seeking medical help when its late. The Hill Crestââ¬â¢s sister facility has been cited in the past due to skin infections such as MRSA and poor hand washing. Due to this fact, the facility was conducting an educational program for its staff to raise awareness about hand washing and the different germs as well as how they spread. I had an opportunity also to work with another staff
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